Friday, June 15, 2007

Where does the time go?

I can't believe it but school is over in 2 weeks! Here is a lazy-girls version of an update:

  • I'm watching a 90210 re-run right now and I'm not ashamed of it

  • I have no idea what I'm teaching next year, or where, and it's driving me nuts

  • My sister and nephews are going to Powell River for 3 weeks, I'm going to be so bored!

  • In Aug. I'm going to visit Kirstin and Joey in Toronto for a week!

  • I love Facebook

  • I've been shopping for real estate, I feel so grown up!

  • Wylie turned 3 last weekend and we had a great party at Bowness Park (I'll post a few pictures from the 315 I took)

  • Last week I received the best care package from Katy and Craig. You guys ROCK! I'll never tire of random weird Japanese stuff!

  • Almost the entire month of July is open for me. I really should get a job...

  • Slushie mixed with soft ice cream is the greatest treat after a long, hot day at work

  • Grade 9 grad is in a week and a half, it should be fun to see my kids all dolled up (one guy plans to have a top hat and cane)

  • My baby, Caitlin...oops....I mean, Kathy's baby Caitlin, is a little doll! She's such a good baby and is so easy going

  • I am addicted to buying fabric. I have a plan for every piece of fabric I buy, I just don't actually get around to making everything, then I go out and buy more's my new crack cocaine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You should bring a little of the fabric you bought out when you come to visit. Maybe we will actually make something with it if we're feeling ambitious. (Like matching jumpsuits or hair scrunchies! Juuuuust kidding).


PS There's no shame in watching 90210, there's only shame in admitting it.