Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Things move fast in Calgary...

Holy crap! I am shitting myself right now!

I arrived in Calgary last Tues. night. Phoned the Calgary Board of Education on Thurs. Had a screening interview on Fri. Passed the interview. Got a phone call from a school principal on Tues. morning. Had an interview with her 4 hours later. Then today, about 20 mins ago I got a call offering me a temporary full time position!!

I start tomorrow!

The kids start on Tues.

Holy shit

Guess what I'm teaching???

MATH, SCIENCE AND PE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy shit

Good news is it's grade 6!!

I will update more when I have time. Excuse me now while I try to re-learn grade 6 math!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Way to go Koren! Are you enjoying Cow Town? Have you got your cowgirl boots yet? Have you started spitting and saying "giver"?

Lena said...

babe, thats great news!! Teach those 6th graders like they have never been taught before ( by the way what age are 6th graders?)
I miss u loads and loads too babe! talk soon love lenabonenabannanabobeena !

Thomas Llewellyn said...

AHH thats awesome!!!! Goodwork Koren I knew it wouldnt be hard for you! 6th graders are alot more innocent than scary high school kids too! Mold them into young Japanese children Koren, moold them!

I remember 6th grade math being quite difficult. Isn't that when long division starts...ohh.

Ahh this is exciting stuff, new adventures!

Leslie said...

Having a bit of culture shock by being hired so fast, huh Koren! Appointment, interview, job!! That is certainly not the Japanese way.

Well enjoy 6th grade. I know I didn't!! But you will make it fun for all your students I am sure. I wish you all the luck!

Do any of your students want pen pals from Japan? Just an idea!!

miss you!!

Gemma said...

CONGRATS Miss K! That's brilliant, well done! OMG 6th Grade...isn't that ages 9/10? Eeeeeeek! PE? OMG, do you get a big bunch of keys to look after?! You must promise that you won't wear big socks and trainers! Resist the dykey female PE teacher movement!

Well done luv! (Becca misses you and your Big Brother DVDs btw!)

K said...
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K said...

Thanks for all your words of encouragement!! Grade 6 kids are 11/12.

No big socks and trainers for me, I'm actually not teaching PE anymore. I think PE would have been fun...oh well.

Pen pals would be a great idea. But I don't teach all the grade 6 curriculum, I only teach math and science so language arts (which would be perfect for pen pals) is taught by another teacher. Gonna take me a little while to get used to this middle school way of doing things.

I miss BB, and miss bitching about it with rebecca and nathan!! The American version is on right now but there are only 4 people left so it will be over soon. Going to have to get a new obsession.