Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Little angels

For the next month I will teaching full time instead of 80%. My school has some money to do this for a few of the teachers who are not full time, but not enough money to do it for more than a month.

So guess what I'm teaching now?

Let's recap what I already teach:
  • Grade 9 Social Studies
  • Grade 9 Language Arts
  • Grade 9 Homeroom
  • Grade 5 Computers
  • Grade 8 Foods

Now add to that, for the next month:
  • Grade 1,2,3,4 P.E.

My school is right next door to an elementary school, in fact we are considered one school (saves money on administration). So I will now be teaching elementary P.E. for a month. This should be no problem, I am supposed to be an elementary teacher right? Well....I forgot how bloody small and delicate they are! Grade one students can barely run around the gym without falling down and bursting into tears!

They're cute though.

On a side note, during computers class today one of my grade 5 students asked the following:

"Miss. Hunt, is it OK if I watch the video of Saddam being hanged?"

Thank god for internet filters!


Anonymous said...

Golly! PE class and Saddam hangings! You've got your hands full with work this year. I wouldn't have the faintest idea of how to organize a group of little kids in a PE class. Have fun!

Lena said...

wow that sounds mad so much work , i dont know could I do it after JET exam time at the mo! u know what that means, cleaning my desk time! I have a half written letter to u on my desk ! im getting there maybe ull get it next month !! if you are lucky , miss u loads i bought a computer but dont have internet yet but when I do ill skype u up good !! talk to u soon miss u lena

K said...

I look forward to getting your letter, Lena! Congrats on finally getting a computer, I can't wait to chat with you on skype. Search for me, my name on Skype is "Gotsugirl".

Have fun during exam time. We have midterms next week but I have to actually write and mark them, not to mention supervise. On the Friday after exams we get to go skiing, so that will be nice.

Miss you!
Kiss kiss