Here is my classroom all done up for student-led conferences.
This is taken from the back looking towards the front white board.
The students made personalized welcome signs for their parents and taped them to the door.
Science station: making a heterogeneous mixture and sampling a solution.
Another angle.
Spelling station: give your parents a spelling test.
Social Studies station: parents graded their plasticine region maps.
This is my "modern" desk after I had locked up my laptop in the cupboard you see to the right. I don't mind the kidney shape, but give me an old fashioned desk with drawers anyday!
The view when you walk in the door.
Portfolio Station: parents read their writing and other "best" work.
Our photo wall.
Our paper mache volcanoes. We made these as part of our chemistry unit. We are going to explode them soon! (vinegar and baking soda)
Math station: give your parents a Mad Minute test.
Maaaan, it's all so professional!! Good work baby!! It started snowing here yesterday and I am NOT enjoying the cold!! Give me summer anyday of the year!
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog Koren! Your classroom looks very cute. It seems like an ideal class. Glad things are going well :)
Man,I need to come spend some time with you in your classroom, that looks awesome!!
Nathan: Are you still in Japan? What are you up to?
Leslie: I love your blog!! How on earth did you manage to end up in Moscow??
Carolyn: You are welcome anytime! I would love to have you.
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