Saturday, October 13, 2007

Brings a smile to my face these days...

my view
babysitting my nephews
paper mache
shopping for couches
walking to the library
choosing paint colors
new flannel sheets
showing Kid Nation to my students
unpacking boxes from 5 years ago
Halloween decorations
my students
creating photo books
shopping online in US dollars
old Seinfeld episodes
keeping in touch via Facebook
crochet aspirations
my quesadilla maker
old friends


Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mean paper mache at school because I hate paper mache, last year we made those monsters and I promised my self no paper mache this year.

Anonymous said...

do you usually say couches???? Wow!!!

A lot of the things that make you happy lately are things that I'm looking forward to when I go back home!!!!

-Your view is awesome!!! Love Canadian nature!!
-babysitting MY nephew (That I'm missing soooo much!!)
-Library!!!! Going to the library, and being able to read!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh
-unpacking my old boxes!!!
-watching TV I can understand!
-quesadilla!!!! Mexican food!!! Ethnic food!!!!
-old friends!!!

Missing you in Shimane!!!