Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sand in my hair

The summer has passed like a blur. Tomorrow I'm going back to school, not because I have to (not until Weds.), but because I want to. It's soooo nice knowing exactly what and where I'm teaching. I can't wait to see the kids again, and get my classroom all dolled up. The most challenging part of this next week will be getting my ass to bed before 1am!

This is why I have sand in my hair...

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Loving today...

My new patio set (only $50 at Superstore)

Beautiful weather and the view from my patio

Spending time with my friend, Carrie's twin girls

Trying new recipes (these are jalapeno peppers stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped with bacon...but I bought the wrong peppers, these were not hot) :-(

Having my sister and her kids come over just to hang out

Cobin giving himself a mustache with my permanent markers

Delicious fresh vegetables and sock monkeys at the Millarville Farmer's Market

Planning big things with the new Ikea catalog

Hiking to Grassi Lakes near Canmore

Lemon lotion

Cheap Wal Mart art

My plant pods

Having the patience to NOT kill my cats when they pull shit like this

What are you loving today?